Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

The erasing sanction towards Iran

The failed of IAEA on the visiting Parchin Nuclear Installation near Teheran because does not get permission from Iran authority. The failure of IAEA visits makes a trigger tension for the relationship between Iran and Western. Although Iran stated that the Iran nuclear program purely for the peace purpose as the producing energy for the civilians. Nevertheless, United States and European Union decided to impose economic sanctions on Iran to forcing Iran join the negotiation. More than three decades Iran under economic and political pressure that done by United States and the alliances. However, the embargo and economic sanction that given by United States and alliance do not make Iran fall but made Iran more independent on fulfill the needed of the country including nuclear. Iran still becomes the second largest oil producers and exporter in OPEC. Iran also faces threat from Israel military because Israel think Iran as the mastermind behind bombing of Israel diplomats in Georgia, India and Thailand. Israel has ambition to attack Iran using military power, but United States and alliances does not agree with those actions. Without support from United States, military facility that attack cannot do by Israel.

United States of America and European Union erasing several sanctions for Iran

European Union and United States erase several sanctions towards Iran because Iran already makes limitation for the nuclear program. The sanctions that will be erase by both superpower countries are petrochemical trade, precious metal and oil shipping insurance.   (tempo, 2015). The United States Finance Ministry said that at this time Iran already agree to make limitation for their nuclear program. Therefore, the United States government take action for erasing the sanction about Iran oil trade. Not only United States but also European Union said that Blok (European Union) postpone the sanction towards Iran trade until six month, depend on the result of the evaluation. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also agree if Iran already stopping enrichment uranium in Natanz, Middle of Iran. 

The P5+1 discussing of the erasing sanctions towards Iran

The P5+1 (England, Tiongkok, France, Russia, United States plus Germany) and Iran have begun discussing solution for erasing sanction towards Teheran if all parties have reached an agreement about nuclear problem in Iran. Negotiation are planned that to be held in Switzerland, predicted to be difficult to achieved between each parties, about the limitation nuclear Iran development ability. Which the current the contents of erasing sanction focus on the sanction that given from United States and European Union towards Iran finance and energy sector. This is become the key point discussion that will be discussed by Iran and P5+1. Iran and P5+1 tried to finish the last frame about Iran nuclear program on March 31 and reached agreement on June 30, in which Iran want to stop the nuclear program within at least 10 years and instead. The western countries should delete the Iran embargo. 

The impact of the erasing Iran sanctions, the Iran oil industry will be back

Whilst the erase of economic sanction towards Iran made Iran oil industry prepares to make new contract. NITC (National Iran Tank Company) already negotiate with European Union Companies to operating again the tanker in that region. Iran will be announcing their new contract on September in London, England. The negotiating that done by them already done secretly since February, 2015. European Union entering NITC on black list company that struck sanctions related Iran nuclear on February 12, 2015. The Iran Energy ministry said the foreign oil companies will entering Iran after western fully erase the Iran sanction. The foreign companies very interested with join on the Iran oil industry project. After the sanctions erase they without doubt take advantage by investing in Iran project. Because of the sanction gave to Iran the foreign company loss.  

The negotiation related Iran Nuclear Iran and the five permanent members of Security Council plus Germany agree to make dispute resolutions. Now they were arranging the plan for last agreement. Based on the agreement, Iran agrees to cut their ability on enrichment uranium productions as much as 2/3. Iran also promises on limitation of uranium supply from 10 thousand kg become 300 kg on 15 years. Nevertheless, several important agreement still not come the fruition. United States asking the right of examination of the alleged possession of nuclear weapons throughout Iran. Both countries still cannot agree with the settlement dispute under the agreement. Beside of that Iran also want if the economic sanction will be erasing all after the signing last agreement

Pujayanti, A (February, 2015) Sanksi Ekonomi terhadap Iran dan Dampak Internasionalnya. Retrieved on June 29, 2015 From: http://berkas.dpr.go.id/pengkajian/files/info_singkat/Info%20Singkat-IV-4-II-P3DI-Februari-2012-16.pdf
Tempo (January, 2014) Uni Eropa dan AS hapus beberapa sanksi untuk Iran Retrieved on June 28, 2015 from Tempo: http://dunia.tempo.co/read/news/2014/01/21/115546990/Uni-Eropa-dan-AS-Hapus-Beberapa-Sanksi-untuk-Iran
Varia (April, 2015) Sanksi dicabut industry minyak iran kembali licin. Retrieved June 29, 2015 from Varia: http://www.varia.id/2015/04/08/sanksi-dicabut-industri-minyak-iran-kembali-licin/
VOV5 (March, 2015) kelompok P5+1 membahas penghapusan sanksi terhadap Iran Retrieved on June 28, 2015 from VOV5: http://vovworld.vn/id-ID/Berita/Kelompok-P51-membahas-penghapusan-sanksi-terhadap-Iran/317830.vov 

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